Merry Christmas…

Merry Christmas from the Conants!

We hope this letter finds each of your families enjoying the Christmas season!  As I sit down to write this, our country has just learned about the horrible tragedy in Connecticut.  My heart is so heavy for the parents that have been robbed of another Christmas with their children.  I am definitely holding my kids a little tighter and not taking for granted our time together.  Although I definitely do not understand why things like this have to happen I do know that the God I serve is faithful and is in control.  My prayer for the families affected by this tragedy is that they would be comforted by the God of all comfort. 

2012 has been another busy year for our family…what else is new? :)  Here is just a little snapshot of what everyone has been up to…



Jackson just turned 11 and is in the 5th grade.  This is his last year of elementary school and much to his mother’s dismay will be headed to middle school next year.  Why do they have to grow up??  He has been busy this year with swimming, flag football, and guitar.  He takes the term “bookworm” to a whole new level.  At one point this Fall I asked him how many books he had read in the last two weeks…and he said “six”.  As the oldest of our crew he is an expert in sharing his “brotherly love”.  No opportunity for teasing or a headlock is ever wasted. :)  His sister and brothers love him so much and a game of hide and seek or tag is just not fun unless Jackson is playing too. 



Mackenzie turned 9 in November and is in the 3rd grade.  She is one creative little girl!  She is always drawing, singing, making a craft, or dancing around the house.  She loves her teacher and loves school…except for one little thing…the cafeteria.  She can’t stand the noise and how crazy the kids get.  She even asked me if she could just eat in the Teacher’s Lounge. :)  We think she’ll survive.   She has been busy this year with swim team, cheerleading, and piano lessons.  She is definitely the second mom in this house and does such a great job taking care of her brothers (and her mom and dad).  She is a sweet, sweet girl and we love her!!



Tucker is 71/2 and in the 2nd grade.  He is a sweet, tender hearted kid who gives the best hugs and still loves to hold his mom’s hand. :)  Popcorn and movies are favorites for Tuck, and we are always blown away by his ability to watch a movie once and then be able to quote it.  He joined the swim team this year and got the Most Improved award at the end of the season.  We were so proud of him.  He also continues to take piano lessons.  I recently had a conversation with Tuck about how concerned he was that all the boys and girls in his class know Jesus…just a little window into his tender heart. 


Luke turned 4 in October and is in preschool 2 days a week.  Where to begin with Lukie…where to begin?  :)  He is a character with a strong will that rivals his mama’s iron will.  When we are not laughing hysterically we are pulling our hair out, but we would not change a thing.  He loves rocking out with Dad, snuggling with mom, and doing anything his Bubba, Sissy, and Jackson are doing.  We often find him outside building things or practicing his Ninja moves.  We love this kiddo!

 Galen continues to enjoy working from home.  He has taken on some new responsibilities at church this year.  He is serving as the Small Groups Coordinator, and at the end of the Summer began serving on the Elder Board.  God is using him and I am so proud of him.  Even though his beloved Cornhuskers had a painful end to their season, he still bleeds Husker Red and was thankful for the opportunity to see a game at Memorial stadium back in November. 

 I have continued to stay busy keeping up with the kids , volunteering at their school, and enjoying two of my favorite hobbies…photography and crafting.  The past six months have been somewhat of a challenge as I have been dealing with some health issues.  Nothing life threatening,, but definitely life “interrupting”.  There have been some difficult days and lots of tears, but I can honestly say I am thankful.  I have grown closer to the Lord in ways I never imagined, I have stopped taking healthy days for granted, and I have a renewed appreciation for the husband God had blessed me with.  Galen has been my rock and the vows we said to one another almost 15 years ago have taken on new meaning.  

 A highlight for our family this year was the trip we took with my family to Southern California.  We saw family, took the kids to Disneyland, and took them to play at the same beach I grew up playing on.  It was a wonderful trip…memories that will last a lifetime!






From our family to yours…Merry Christmas!  Our prayer for you is that you would experience His life changing presence this Christmas season and every day of the coming new year. 

 With Much Love,

              Galen, Jenn, Jack, Mack, Tuck, and Luke

brother, sister, brother, brother…

If there is one thing I have prayed over and over for my children (besides for their salvation), it’s that they would get along. Not just love each other…but genuinely like each other too. Some days it seems like a far off, unreachable dream as I referee the 87th fight of the day. But then there are days like Sunday…
Jackson comes into the kitchen with my laptop and a wad of $1 bills. He tells me that he has been thinking about Mackenzie’s birthday that’s coming up. He knows how much she loves Vera Bradley so he got on line to see what he could find for her. He said, “Mom, I’m not really rich enough to buy her something big, but I did find this little stationery set that I think she will like. Can we order it”? Unprompted…his own hard earned money. I had to work really hard to not start crying and embarrass the poor kid.
Or last night…
Tucker got a new lamp that attaches to his bunk bed. He was pretty excited about it. :) Last night he and Mackenzie spent about 30 min before bed taking turns reading stories to one another…

Makes this mama’s heart feel really full.

Spiderman, Morph, a Mouse, and a Lion…AKA Halloween 2012

I’m not sure how many of my annual Halloween photo shoots I have left.  Jackson is less and less excited about being in front of the camera. ;)  So I am going to enjoy them while they last.

Without further adieu…


Luke the Lion…very appropriate for his “roaring” personality. ;-)


Tucker…our favorite web-slinger…VERY into superheroes right now.

The prettiest little Mouse you have ever seen…she was happy to Trick or Treat for one street and then come home and rest her pretty little feet. :)

And Jackson the Morph…I just shook my head because I did not “get” this costume.  However I am sure this is only the beginning of me shaking my head as he enters the pre-teen and teen years. ;-)

And this last picture…well, this is where our little lion sat (right next to me) while every one else went Trick or Treating.  A few too many “roaring” temper tantrums that day caused him to miss out on the fun.   This kid…life with him is NEVER…I repeat NEVER boring. :)

Happy November!


A couple weeks of “firsts”…

1.  I am blogging for the first time in far too long…;)

2.  Jack, Mack, and Tuck had their first day of school…

(Three awesome teachers…SO thankful for them!  My kiddos are extremely blessed!!!)

3.  We had our first Husker game of the season (and the second one too…but we won’t talk about that game;)…and so we took our annual first game picture.  The San Antonio chapter of Texans for Nebraska…

4.  Luke had his first day of school (and a second and third), and has not had one bad report.  Everyday miracles…we are thankful for them! ;-)

(Apparently practicing your Ninja moves is the best way to get ready for preschool.)

5.  Jackson and Mackenzie both had their first games.  Jackson playing Flag Football and Mackenzie cheering…

They both did a great job and they had a pretty cute little spectator cheering them on…

Life is full…very full…but we wouldn’t change it for the world.  Love watching my kiddos grow up and experience new things.  Each day is a gift…:)


Giving my fingers some much needed exercise…

Oh Blog…how I have missed you! :)  The writing, the memory preserving, the picture sharing…I have missed it all!  I had no intention of taking such a long break but life just kept moving along and days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.  Last week I realized that two things I enjoy so much, crafting and blogging, were sadly missing from my routine.  I decided I was going to make a conscious effort to change that.  On Saturday I had a quiet house and so I spent some time crafting.  It was so good for my soul!  I know that sounds pretty dramatic but I promise it’s true! ;-)  Today I decided that it was time to dust off the old blog and give my fingers some exercise. 

We recently got back from a wonderful vacation in California.  So many memories that I want to preserve…

On Saturday, June 30th at 4am we began our 20+ hour journey to Southern California.  We traveled with my parents and my brother’s family.  Six adults, seven kids, two vans, one truck, and LOTS of luggage traveling West on I-10.  My poor family discovered that Galen and I have four kids with the smallest bladders in the world!  Thirteen hours and what felt like one million potty stops later, we arrived at our first stop…Tucson, AZ.  We were all thrilled to be out of the car…


We enjoyed the pool and the In ‘n’ Out burger that was just down the road.  Everyone got a good night’s sleep and then we hit the road bright and early. 

It was a much shorter day of driving and we were all very excited when we saw this…


And nothing says California to me more than Palms Trees…so pretty…


 I think the greatest accomplishment of the whole trip was keeping our sanity while traveling with this cute face ;-)…


We checked into our hotel, relaxed for a little bit and then went to my mom’s cousin’s house for dinner and to see family that I had not seen in years.  It was SO much fun…


The girls :)


I love this picture of me and my beautiful grandma.  I was so close to her growing up…so many wonderful memories of time spent with her and my grandpa.


The guys :)


One of my favorite pictures from that night of my mom, Mackenzie, and my niece Isabella. 

It was wonderful to reconnect with family and introduce them to my kids.  Everyone had a great time!  We eventually headed home because bright and early the next day we were heading to the Happiest Place on Earth…Disneyland!

That deserves it’s own post…:)


Good Friday…

On this Good Friday the words from one of my favorite hymns keep running through my mind…

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought,

My sin, not in part, but the whole.

Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord oh my soul. 

~It is Well with my Soul~


Thankful and humbled by his sacrifice…


March 28, 1998…

Fourteen years ago we said “I do”…

And I am so thankful for the life that we have lived together.  Every moment a gift…evidence of His grace.  So thankful…

From the fullness of his grace we have all

received one blessing after another.

John 1:16

…jenn :)


Yes, I am writing a blog post about burlap.:)  It is so popular right now.  Pinterest is full of so many different types of projects using burlap.  Here are just a few that I have had my eye on…

Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest

Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest


A few weeks ago as I was looking at some craft blogs and I came across a room makeover with burlap curtains.  I loved them!  I had been looking for something new for my living room.  I wasn’t loving the white sheer curtains that I had put up a few months ago.  The burlap seemed to be a great fit for the style of my living room so I decided to give it a try.   Armed with my 40% off coupon I headed to Joann’s.   I bought the burlap and some trim and then the bag sat on my craft table for a week.:)  This past Saturday I finally sat down to make the curtain.   Other than burlap being a mess to work with when you cut it…this was the easiest window treatment I have ever made. Here is the finished product…

The only part that I actually decided to sew was the trim.  After I cut it I really liked the look of the raw edge so I left it that way.

I really love the way it turned out.  This was my test window and now I am going to make two more for the other windows in my living room.  Even Galen commented on how much he liked it.

I will probably have some burlap left…I think that table runner might be calling my name. :)



Bluebonnets and an update…

One of the best parts about living in Texas is the wildflowers that we get to enjoy in the Spring…especially the Bluebonnets.  This year the Bluebonnets were an extra special treat because we were in a horrible drought last year which meant no wildflowers.  It is so fun to drive around right now and see such incredibly beautiful flowers growing everywhere…

A couple of weeks ago we were at one of our favorite parks and I found a beautiful spot for pictures.  I knew I wanted to bring the kids back to take some pictures of them.  We had some time yesterday so I took advantage of it.  I don’t know that the kids were all that excited about having their pictures taken but I sure was excited to be taking them.  I have not had my camera out a whole lot lately and I have missed it!  I quickly threw together some outfits from things that we had and we headed out to the park.  Jackson acted like I was causing him physical pain and that I was ruining his life…oh how difficult it is to be ten. ;)  Despite some initial drama which led to the kids getting a quick lecture from Dad (You know the…You’re mom does so much for you and all she is asking is that you smile for a few stinking pictures lecture), I actually got some really great shots.

Here are some of my favorites along with a little update on what everyone has been up to…

Jackson is happy to be free of the cast that he wore for about six weeks.  The break healed really well and tomorrow he is finally clear to participate in PE again.  He will also be able to start golf again.   He is very excited.  We are definitely hitting a new stage with him…a little pre-teen attitude.  Ugh…not my favorite… but it is causing me to pray A LOT for wisdom.  I love this kid…I’m praying that we don’t just survive the pre-teen/teen years but that we actually enjoy them. ha

My beautiful Mackenzie…she has been busy learning how to run the house. ;-)  I’m kidding but only a little bit.  Thanks to my mom she has been learning how to cook.  My mom is so much more patient with her in the kitchen.  I am amazed at just how much she can do.  On Friday my parents came over to watch the kids while Galen and I went out.  I left the recipe and ingredients for Pizza bites.  She made them with my mom and then on Sunday while Luke and I were at a Birthday party she made them again…all by herself.  All Galen did was put them in the oven for her.  She just loves all things domestic…cooking, sewing, organizing.  She is going to make a great wife someday! :)

My sweet Tucker.  He is just such an easy kid.  My favorite errand running buddy (shhh…don’t tell the other 3) and the one that I can always make laugh.  He turned 7 at the beginning of this month and his favorite birthday present was a pet turtle from his friends Evan and Kiki.  He decided to name his new friend Awesome. :)  Tuck really loves Awesome and he is really good at remembering to feed him.  And mom is really good at cleaning out the stinky water.

And then there’s Lukie…this last picture says it all.  This was his special pose for me.  Also notice the grass and dirt stains…those happened within 3 minutes of being at the park.  He is just a character.  Life is never boring with Lukie.  The big news in Luke’s life is that at the beginning of February he finally decided to use the big boy potty.  Woo hoo!!  After over 10 years of changing diapers we are finally done!  Galen and I keep looking for a certificate of appreciation from Huggies or Pampers but so far nothing. ;)  Lately Luke loves to tell people that he is the youngest of four but don’t you dare tell him that he is the smallest.  He will quickly correct you and let you know that he is the mediumest. :)

My favorite three, seven, eight, and ten year old in the whole wide world.  So thankful to be their mom…even when they make a fuss about me taking their pictures. :)

…jenn :)


My sweet Tucker turned seven today.  I can’t think of a better reason to break my blog silence than to write about my red head…


You are such a blessing…I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  When I think about you I can’t help but smile.  You are such a kind hearted, loving, creative little boy and I love being your mom.  One of the things I love the most about you is your genuine concern for others.  You definitely have the gift of mercy.  You love to draw and I am always so impressed by your creativity.

I know that you have no idea how much it means to me that when I pick you up from school you still reach for my hand as we walk to the car.  I cannot thank the Lord enough for blessing me with you…my favorite red head…freckle face…surprise baby.  You are the best example in my life of how the Lord’s plan is always perfect…always better than my own…always more than I could ask for or imagine. 

I love you Tucker Wayne.  Happy Birthday!

~Mommy :)